Diving Helmet Designs
A pair of conceptual artwork large designs for James Cameron's underwater Sci-Fi Action Film "The Abyss" by the acclaimed illustrator Ron Cobb, featuring a side view and front view of the high-tech, futuristic Hardhat Dive Helmets seen in the Film.
Interestingly, the Dive helmets made for The Abyss were actual, functioning Dive gear. That allowed the actors in the Film to see each others faces during dialogue and to speak freely without a breathing apparatus stuck in their mouths. These innovative Dive helmets, designed by the company "Western Space & Marine", influenced the current design of Dive helmets used today.
These are understood to be Art Department copies, utilised during production. Additionally accompanied by a printed certificate of authenticity from the Stage Manager on the film.
Dimensions | 16" x 22" |
Production items are accompanied by the Propmasters Certificate Of Authenticity.