ROBOCOP 2Cain Robot Remote Control
From the second movie in the superb Robocop saga comes this great prop, the electronic remote control for Robocop 2, the Cain Robot.This prop was made for the scene where Robocop 2 is officially unveiled to the public. It is understood different versions were utilised for the sequence; dummy, functional and miniature. This is a functional version complete with battery operated electronics.The prop lacks some components, to include the led screen cover, four buttons and battery component cover. It is currently unfunctional.Accompanying this great prop are a small group of electronic components also utilised in the movie, to include a square LCD screen. The screen is similar the one used for the Cain Robot miniature but it's actual use can not be verified.A fantastic prop from this science fiction classic.
Dimensions | 7" x 3" |
Production items are accompanied by the Propmasters Certificate Of Authenticity.